Case Study
Bill of Materials
Bill of Materials
Client’s Issue
Spares not available for key breakdowns, large proportion of spares with no recorded movements in three year.
MRO Insyte’s solution
Working with production and maintenance teams MRO Insyte analysed the list of non-moving spares and previous stores issues from the system to determine if the spares were linked to current equipment.
MRO Insyte further analysed critical equipment highlighted in the spares optimisation study and completed a review of “what happens in the event of failure”. This methodology includes looking at the most expedient method of returning the equipment to service, and the resource and capability of the local maintenance team. Depending on the maintenance response an applicable Bill of Materials (BoM) was completed for all critical equipment.
Impact on client’s business
The spares that had no movement recorded or were deemed not to belong to current equipment were quarantined and removed from the shelves and disposed of making more than enough room for the new spares that were required. The write off caused some initial pain, but the spare saving and the linking of the supply to the demand lowered the overall cost of the inventory and stock outs were virtually eliminated.